Shern Ren Tee

I am a physicist and coder who specializes in all molecular dynamics simulations weird and unusual. I currently focus on developing new theoretical methods in constant potential molecular dynamics and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics, together with implementations in LAMMPS using C++.
I am also a passionate Research Software Engineer. Current academic pathways provide little recognition or progression for the work RSEs, like myself, put into developing open source software and making it accessible to the wider research community. I hope to somehow help to change that! I’ve joined the RSE Association of Australia and New Zealand and I’m keeping an eye out for opportunities to contribute.
When I’m not at work I am kept busy by two young children, an air fryer, and a growing assortment of obsolete devices which I will someday transform back into something useful. I regularly answer questions about molecular dynamics at the MatSci forums and Matter Modeling on StackExchange. I am a Christian scientist (not a Christian Scientist!) and I regularly worship at City Chapel, Kenmore.
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selected publications
- ELECTRODE: An electrochemistry package for atomistic simulationsThe Journal of Chemical Physics Jul 2022
- Fully periodic, computationally efficient constant potential molecular dynamics simulations of ionic liquid supercapacitorsThe Journal of Chemical Physics Jul 2022